Thursday, August 30, 2007


I love punctuation - particularly exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!


How cool is this show? Do you love it?
(Now that's a review!!)

An exceptional day.

Today was every thing I had hoped for. I was talking to a couple of friends after work and we decided that teaching for an hour and a half was just about the perfect day, we think every day should be that way...we'd be a lot less stressed.
My friend Rhonnda has come up with this fabulous plan and I've decided to get on the band wagon with her. We're going to start our own school with six students per class. Her and I are going to be the teachers and we are going to charge $10 000 per student per year. The kids will get an excellent education - we'll get to really teach with minimum distractions and behaviour management issues - how wicked is that!! I reckon it's a win-win.
I had some very exciting news today about my job, I'm not supposed to tell anyone but I think that Pete is the only person reading my blog - a fact which I appreciate very much - not that he is the only one reading but the fact that you are reading it - Thanks Pete!! So guess what Pete - my position has been declared a clear vacancy so there is a good chance that I will get a permanent position as of next year - but that's just between you and me :) YAY!!
How come Rod isn't reading my blog - I can't believe he's really more interested in boring movies and t.v. shows than my fascinating life!!
Take care,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hump Day!

Hump day today. A deputy that used to work at our school told me that hump day was the day of the week that it's okay to start drinking - so I bourbon and coke down.
I had a lovely day today, the teacher who I job share with is at a P.D. for the next three days so we decided that I would go into her classroom and we'd get a relief teacher in for the art room, because the kiddies have had quite a few relief teachers lately and at least they know me. They are such a beautiful, well behaved class it's almost like not working.
Well, I went in early to make sure all of the art activities were set up for the day and give the relief teacher a few final instructions and went off to teach my class. I had a great day with DOTT for the whole afternoon. I went to check in with the relief teacher at the end of the day and she looked like she was just about to pass out - "I'm shattered" she said "I can't believe you do that every day"...."I know" I said. Can you tell that to the principal - I was thinking. Tomorrow I have DOTT for the morning and then DOTT for the afternoon - I'm teaching for an hour and a half...I can't wait.
Father's Day this Sunday, what can I get David? He'll be happy with some kind of toy or computer game but I hate buying them for him because he plays with them, which is what they're for and then I get mad, and he says "but that's what they're for!"
David is cleaning the cat's bum and whinging about having to clean the cat's bum when I was the one who wanted the cats in the first place - blah, blah, blah!
I'm going to get my second glass of bourbon,
Take care all my millions of readers - I love you all!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Harry Potter

It's 3.30p.m. I just got out of bed and am still in my p.j's. I've just finished reading the new Harry Potter book. I really enjoyed it, she has such an easy to read style that I really appreciate. Apart from today I have been reading it in small snatches whenever I could steal a little bit of quiet time but I can understand how people could start reading it and not stop until it's finished. It's written at a great pace and I don't think there's any point where it really slows enough to become boring - I have to admit sometimes if a book is like that i'll just stop at the boring bit and never finish it. I really liked the way that lots of happenings from the previous books were mentioned and meaningful to this story. I knew all along that Snape wasn't a baddy - well not completely anyway. Reading it has made me want to read over the earlier books again, I think I will when I get some spare time - HA!!
Take care,

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The night after the night before.

Tired!! That's an understatement. Being the old married lady that I am it's not often that I see the hour hand tick over past twelve o'clock any more. So even though I'm absolutely shattered I'm also quite proud to say that I was up until 2.30a.m. this morning, partying.
David and I invited friends over last night for tea. We had an old fashioned 'pot luck' night, everyone bought along a dish and we had a feast of curries, cacciatore, quiche,rice and Toblerone cheesecake - Yum! Jennie, Brad, Britt, Tom, Morwenna, Cam, Rhonnda and Christiaan brought along plenty of food, alcohol and very inappropriate jokes!
We overindulged on food and alcohol and god we laughed non-stop, discovering lots of secrets about each other that were probably better off left unknown. David enjoyed himself so much he was vomiting by the end of the night but we both pulled up pretty well this morning.
Lots of fun was had, including creating a new form of sign language that we would be able to use at school without anyone else knowing what we were talking about, all very uncouth of course. Much of the conversation revolved around the sex life of our twenty four year old male colleague who had enough subject matter to keep us talking all night - lucky boy!
We watched a 'boy' movie today called 'Next,' I actually enjoyed it but David wasn't able to suspend his disbelief long enough. Of course, as you may or may not know, this is not the place to read reviews of 'boy' movies so if you want to know what it's about go to
It's an okay blog but have a look and then make sure you vote there to say that this one is better.
Take care,

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A quickie

I'm so tired tonight. I have the Pre-primary and year ones today- three classes of them, for drama!! That's enough to wear anyone out. Had a P.D. after school about writing comments on reports. It's a bit of a contentious issue at school at the moment about how many comments specialist teachers should have to write, it looks like we've come to a compromise that we are being offered a day off later in the year to write our comments but we will have to write one for every child in the school - 450 of them - not looking forward to that day!!
The girls and I had tea with Nanna tonight - spag bog and garlic bread- yum! Nanna is well and it was lovely spending an evening with her.
Well that's it for me...I'm all done - I'm going to finish my wine and go to bed I think - 7.36p.m. isn't too early for bed is it?
Take care,

Monday, August 20, 2007

Day Off!

Cait was sick today and I stayed home to look after her. I thought I'd have a day at home to catch up on all of the housework I haven't done while I've been busy organising the spelling bee, no such luck! I did get a bit of work done but in between taking Dylan to the doctor and other bits and pieces that needed doing I didn't get much housework done. I did get to have a really long chat with mum on the phone which was a rare treat.
Dylan came into school with me today to pick up Jamie, one of the women I work with saw him and started laughing her head off - she said "I love your wig!" I said "umm....that's his real hair Heather." He took it very well and was able to laugh about it, I'm kind of hoping it might get him to get a hair cut - but I won't hold my breath.
Not much else to share today, I guess I'd better go and do some work.
Take care,

Sunday, August 19, 2007

What a weekend!!

It feels like this weekend has flashed by in a matter of minutes. It's been a good one but I feel like just a little while ago it was Friday afternoon and now I am sitting here awaiting the arrival of fish and chips for my Sunday evening meal.
Mum had the kids last night so that David and I could go to a Quiz Night, which was a lovely treat. Jamie was off at her friend Alex's birthday party and Caitlyn spent the night at her Dad's, after traveling with him in his truck to Albany and back on Saturday. The boys, Dave and I all stayed at Mum's for the night after the quiz night which was a lovely treat for everyone (oops, already said that.) Dylan is thinking of moving is as he was delighted with the service, suggesting that living at Nanny's was like living in a Hotel. Michael actually questioned how it was different for him than being at home where he is also waited on...
Anyway, back to the quiz night....It was great fun, we were on a table with a friend who is a teacher with me and her husband, Helena and Stuart, and two parents from school, Jane and Doug. David was very brave early on in the evening in baring his chest to attempt to win a prize for the hairiest chest. Unfortunately he didn't win but I thought he was a winner and he was definitely the star of the night, I'll share why a little later. I also attempted to win a prize for the first person up the front with a belly button piercing, I was beaten by someone sitting just near the judging table. A bit disappointing but more unsettling that now all of the parents at school know my belly button is pierced - Oh well! I also won mobile phone bingo but didn't have my phone there to prove it. I won a really nice basket of Nutrimetics stuff in a raffle. At the end of the night we finished equal third and David went to the front of the room as the representative for our table, for an elimination round. The question was "apart from humans what is the only other mammal that has been trained to stand on it's head" after a few guesses David correctly guessed "elephant" and we were awarded third prize. The prize was some vouchers, Andrew Denton's Enough Rope book, a PDA cover and some other bits and pieces, we were well chuffed with ourselves.
After getting home from Mum's I have spent the afternoon working on the spelling bee that I am organising for schools in our local area. Sixteen schools are registered which I am pleased about, I'm really nervous though, I hope it all goes well. The kids at school are really excited, which is the aim of the whole thing to get kids motivated and excited about spelling - please keep your fingers crossed for me!
Wow!! This was a long one, I'm gonna go, I think I just heard Dave back with the chippies.
Take care,
P.S. I love ya Pete - I will try not to let my head get too big but it's so hard with all this power and when even David agrees that my blog is so much better (just kidding that was a lie!!) I promise I'll do my best - let's catch up soon!

Is it okay to P.S. on a blog????

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I got chocolate!

P.S David bought me a family block of chocolate and I ate the whole lot

Dear Old 'Uncle Pete!'

I have commented during my early stages of blogging that my blog was set up for the sole purpose of showing to my family and friends that I am far funnier and wittier than David (hubby - My closest and dearest friends have been charged with the onerous task of voting in a 'blog-off' between David and myself.
Now obviously there was never any real question about whose is better because, as mentioned on David's blog, I am far funnier, better looking and more intelligent. What a let down then to learn that one of my closest, dearest and oldest family friend has turned against me to express the erroneous opinion that David's blog could actually be more entertaining than mine. 'Uncle' Pete how could you, for a man that you have only known for a few short years and hear I am favourite 'niece' that you have known since I was a delightful eight year old child....words can not express.... I will not vote you said...DAVID READ ME YOUR RESPONSE!!
This is a mayday call to my family and friends with better sense please vote now and make sure you vote for me or you too will receive words from the sharp edge of my cutting tongue!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I need chocolate!!

I went to weight watchers this evening and was really proud to achieve my life time membership, that means I have been at my goal weight for 7 weeks, yahoo! Now I need chocolate, we have no chocolate in the house and I really need some. Give me chocolate and no one gets hurt!!
I had a nice day at work today. I have had a high school student in with me doing work place studies for the past week and a half, she's a real gem and I'm going to miss her next week when she's finished. It's made me realise what a difference it makes having help in the classroom, would anyone like to volunteer to come and help out? I can't pay you but it would be a very rewarding job.
Jamie (12 year old daughter) is doing her year eight subject selection at the moment for next year. She's very excited, I'm very sad, I'll really miss having her at the school that I teach at next year. Now when my boys went off to high school, Man! was I glad to see them go!! Just kidding - that one was for my boys who diligently read my blog.
I never realised blogging could open new lines of communication with my sons, I love you Michael and Dylan - even though you drive me crazy!!
Take care,

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Help Me!!

I was a little excited to get home a little early this evening - home to my loving teenage sons who enjoy spending many hours whiling away their time in deep conversations with me about their lives, loves and happenings (not!) and my darling husband who would rather spend time communicating with me than anything else in the world(apparently) ...and guess what we're doing?? Well, obviously i am blogging to the world hoping desperately that someone out their may be reading my comments and wanting to communicate with me by commenting on my blog and then I could comment back and then we could have an actual cyber-conversation. My loved ones here at home are all on computers also, apparently building civilisations and saving the world or something, apart from every now and again when one screams through the house at another, "Would you stop killing me!!" I'm bored!! I think I'll go and read a bit more of 'Harry Potter'. I would review what I have read so far but I would be worried I'd sound like David so I will just say "It's really good!" Don't forget to tell David next time you see him that my blog is much better than his!!
Take care,

Monday, August 13, 2007

My first critic!!

I'm not sure if it's correct netiquette to write two blogs in one day but I'm so excited I just had to share. Our first voter in the Chris vs. Dave Blogoff, my fifteen year old son Michael, has pronounced mine far funnier, he is a bit reticent to pronounce it the best because apparently he enjoys reading about t.v. shows that are far fetched and completely unbelievable, it's a good thing I love him so much. As soon as he pronounces mine the best I'll let you know.
Take care,

A blog much cooler than David's

My first blog entry, YAY!! I have no idea what I am going to life doesn't contain much action...but one thing I will guarantee is that this blog is going to be way cooler than David's (my husband's) He writes about his favourite t.v. shows and computers and really boring stuff. BORING!! What will I write about?? Like I say I don't really know. I have four children, two boys and two girls, the lights of my life. Their antics are interesting enough to write a book about so I guess they will get a mention every now and again. I am a teacher of primary school art and drama so I guess that will probably feature. We have moved into a lovely home in the hills that I have huge dreams and no money for so that could be here too. I am a member of Weight Watchers, have just lost 17 kilos to reach my goal weight, which I am very proud of, but am struggling already with the maintenance so I might share my ups and downs. I am also absolutely hopeless with computers so it will be an absolute miracle if I actually get this on the internet for anyone to read but if I do, thanks for reading and take care until next time.