Sunday, September 30, 2007

Holidays, Day two!

Day two of the holidays, another lovely day. Spent hours whipper snipping the grass that had grown unchecked so that it's now about a metre tall. I feel a bit shaky now, I think it was all a bit much for my body.
Cait has gotten really into skipping so has spent quite a bit of time outside doing that. We were outside having a skip while David was out and she tripped over the rope and fell head first into a wall. She's okay but she's got a few scratches here and there and her shoulder is very sore, on a positive note she can run in now.
Dyan's friend Luke is staying the night, hopefully we will be getting some sleep tonight because I'm really tired. Because of David's broken rib I got up to the cats last night, I think we might be putting them up for adoption soon, we'll see how David mends. Of course he hasn't actually been the the doctors yet to get the x-rays but he is making sure he doesn't do any work just in case!! Just kidding David!!
I have been spending time lately reading other blogs on the internet, it's really interesting, like reading someone else's journal. Some people write really well, and very enjoyable to read. Made me feel a bit disappointed about my own contribution, oh well, life's like that.
Not much else happening.
Take care,


Saturday, September 29, 2007


First day of holidays... Cait and I went to an open garden, did some gardening, went to the shops - bought the girls some clothes, finished my book, had a yummy steak and salad for tea, am now relaxing with a glass of wine...aahhh...this is the life.
Pete thanks for the offer, I'll let you know if anyone needs their knees breaking if they try to steal my job. Only a true friend would offer to 'have a chat' on behalf of a friend. Can we get together over the holidays? Perhaps a meal and a drink at our place? Rod would be welcome too if he'd like to come... as long as he promises not to talk about Dr Who.
How cool is this?? I commented on a great blog that I found while browsing blogspot 'Ashfab' a lady who seemed to be a girl after my own heart, and I got a comment back. Honestly a small thing that can make you feel like you've won lotto. So coooll!! I thought it was wicked that 'Ashfab' said she was having a bit of trouble with my dialect, figuring out what I was talking about sometimes when I was blogging, how funny to think that you have an accent that comes through in your writing, or it could be that I have really bad grammar...please tell me it isn't so???
David and I went to Britt's (a friend from work) for tea and drinks last night. We had a blast. We decided to have chinese for take away from Mr Tan, we made sure that we sent Steve down to pick it up because he wasn't there last week when we all made fools of ourselves. David was very quiet throughout the evening because he had played his football game against the year twelves and hurt himself quite badly. To add insult to injury they lost the football match by five points.
Take care,
enjoy your holidays if you're lucky enough to be having one,

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I've got a job

Yes, that's right, I've got a job to be exact - I am going to be the art specialist at school again next year. (wow - what a lot of punctuation in one sentence, I told you I love punctuation) Just got the letter in the mail. Now I have to keep my fingers crossed that a permanent teacher doesn't come and take it off me again.
I run an art group for year 7 students in lunch time on Tuesday, the girls are making special projects that will be auctioned at the arts night next term. It's a great time because they are all lovely girls who really appreciate being part of this group and their projects are looking fabulous. One of my girls said to me today "Mrs Brown, you are looking particularly glamorous today" High praise from a year seven girl, it made my day.
We are having open night tomorrow night at school, my room still looks like a tip - it's going to be a long day tomorrow. I'll be there by 8 and working through to 6, that's a long day.
Kids are well, Jamie is looking forward to her school band performing tomorrow at the open night, so am I, they have been practicing really hard.
We had morning tea and lunch put on for us today - I didn't even manage to last one day on weight watchers - I'm so weak.
Well, I think that's it, just a quicky to say "I've got a job!!!"
Take care,

Sunday, September 23, 2007

5 days to go

What a lovely weekend. Friday night we had takeaway from the local cafe that have started cooking pizzas - we had half smoked salmon/ half sweet potato, it was so good.
David and I went up to Toodyay for the day yesterday, went out for lunch and a stroll by the river, lovely!! We came home and in the arvo I fell asleep, I think a hangover from my late night Friday.
Today we got some jobs done around the house, David cleaned the pool and I did a heap of gardening. In the afternoon we took the girls down to Roley Pools for a bush walk and took lots of beautiful photo's.
Right now I'm chilling out and David is cooking us chicken with Camembert, wrapped in bacon. I've put on two kilo's and I've promised myself that I'm back on weight watchers tomorrow so this is a bit like 'the last supper.'
Five days to go...WOOHOO!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's 2.44a.m. on Saturday morning. My body clock has been going crazy lately, often I am finding myself still laying awake at two or three or waking at the same time and then not getting back to sleep. It's driving me mad, I've never had a problem sleeping before...oh well, perhaps it's part of getting old, and I get to watch some really bad shows on Foxtel.
It's been another flat out week this week, the spelling bee was the highlight on Thursday. We had around two hundred students and teachers attend and it went off without a hitch, it was really great. The only dilemna was that we ran out of time at the end and had to announce the last five contestants equal winners. The problem was the kids were too good and these last five just weren't getting out. I think of myself as a pretty good speller but these guys were just outstanding!!
I had my job interview today, thank goodness that's over. I think it well and my friend, who is the deputy and was on the panel for the interview was positive afterwards so that's good. I'm not sure when I'll hear. It's a clear vacancy position which means if I get it and no permanent teacher transfers into the position then I will have the job permanently, so that will be a great thing.
James has been having bike ed. at school, she just started it today and enjoyed it. She was a bit annoyed with herself for wearing tight pants because it made bike riding a bit difficult but I'm sure she'll remember next week.
Dylan's off to the zoo tomorrow with mates, I told him if the weather is fine David and I might go to the zoo and meet him there, he was not impressed.
The laptop keeps flashing low battery at me so I think I'll head off and try to get some sleep.
Take care,

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I hope it's worth the wait!

I'd like to think the fact that I haven't written on my blog since Tuesday is indicative of how flat out I have been this week. I am sitting out the back at the table looking out over my beautiful garden that Kane has done a wonderful job of weeding for me. I have just, in the last five minutes, finished typing up my job application, YAY!!
Dylan is entertaining me by jumping his bike over the ramp he has made over a small concrete ridge. The most entertaining this is that it's only about five metres from the fence so when he gets up speed he crashes straight into the fence, highly amusing! HA! It just happened again, this is the most fun I've had all week, he's fabulous. Dylan's stopped now, he obviously didn't find crashing into the fence as amusing as I did.
We went out to tea on Friday night for Chinese, it was Darianne's last day. It was very sad. Unfortunately she had wwwaaaayyyyyyy too much to drink and doesn't actually remember anything of the evening, I was a very supportive friend and held her hair as she vomited in the bushes.
Christiaan was lusting after the waitress but we were trying to decide if she was over 18 or not so he decided not to get her number, he did however get her to teach him how to make the fancy origame serviettes that we had on our table. My Tan, the owner, is the parent of one of our ex-students and gave us a huge discount for our meals. It was ....
Oh my! Dylan just decided that he would be better off on Cait's bike and had a huge stack!!
Oh well - as I was saying it was embarrassing to be from Greenmount Primary on Friday night, I think Mr Tan would be thinking "I'm glad my son doesn't go to that school anymore."
My battery ran out half way through this blog so it's now time for tea. Mum and Merv are up for tea tonight so I'm off. David is cooking us a yummy roast, I can't wait.
Take care,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tea with Ma

The highlight of my day today was going to have tea with Mum and Merv. It was lovely catching up for a chat and Mum cooked a beautiful dinner, fish, mashed potatoes and vege's, YUM!! I really need to win lotto so that I can see more of my mum i.e. work less....
David was sick today so stayed home from work, he's feeling much better but isn't talking to me anymore because I didn't come home and cook him dinner.
I'm in the middle of writing a merit selection application at the moment, along with organising the Swan District Spelling Bee Final next week, getting the art room ready for the open night the following week and trying to get all of the students' exhibition pieces finished in time for the Arts night next term, I'M EXHAUSTED!! I've been very lucky to have been given extra DOTT time to organise things but I'm still really tired.
Take care,
I love you Mum,

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Toodyay Today.

Today David and I took the girls up to visit Rhonnda, a friend from work, who lives in Toodyay.
Rhonnda has bought fourteen acres in the middle of the country side up there, it's beautiful. At fifty two she has just become the caretaker of her three year old grandson. She is one of the most beautiful people in the world, she's had a pretty hard time of things, it's not fair really.
Anyway, we had a lovely day, the weather was beautiful and we spent most of the time sitting outside and chatting in the sun. Cait made a 100 daisy 'daisy chain.' James took a book with her and spent quite a bit of time sitting on the front deck reading.
Not much else to say really.
I'm quite looking forward to school tomorrow because there's only fifteen days of school left and after tomorrow there's only fourteen days left. YAY!!
Take care,

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Friday night at the movies.

I'm laying in bed writing this, feeling quite lazy and looking forward to a lovely lazy weekend. My muscles are still a bit sore from running seventy five metres in the parent, teacher, student relay at the sports carnival in the week (students won) so I am procrastinating getting out of bed.
I went out with some friends last night to the movies, but let me start the story at the beginning.
After school yesterday Murray came to school to pick the girls up for the night, Caitlyn went to get her stuff out of the car and locked the keys in the boot. I rang David to come and unlock it but he had footy training so couldn't come until six o'clock. So I went back into the staff room and had one or two drinks two many. Time came where everyone was starting to head off and I was picturing myself sitting alone in the carpark waiting for David. Nat asked if I'd like to come along to the pictures with her, Helena and Jane (a mum from school) At this stage I have to say that I really wasn't thinking too clearly but clearly enough to say "what about Dave?" So Christiaan offered to take David out for a boys' night because he is feeling lonely and was feeling over girls at the time, although I'm sure he's over that by now.
We went to see an Irish movie called 'Once' The music was amazing, I thought the film was okay. Apparently it is really fantastic and Steven Spielberg says it's his favourite ever movie or something. David says I have the taste in music and movies of a fourteen year old girl. I like pop music and hollywood movies so it wasn't really my taste but it was okay. The kebabs before hand were great though.
Christiaan and David had a good night and Dave was very excited that there were girls checking them out. Luckily for them they didn't act on their lustful thoughts otherwise I would have had to track them down and beat them up.
Only three weeks until the holidays, YAY!! I can't wait.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Feeling Fat!

Jamie made me a vegimite sandwich today for my lunch. I forgot to take it to the staff room so I just had coffee for lunch but then after school they had profiteroles, cakes and biscuits and by then I was really hungry so I ate heaps. I have to go back to Weight Watchers to weigh in tomorrow night, to maintain LTM (life time membership) I have to stay within two kg's of goal. I was trying to be really good but my will power is so low and chocolate tastes so good.
Pete commented that he'd lost 4 kg's in one week, I never asked how you did any tips?
The girls and I were due to go to Nanna's for tea tonight but she was really sick to we had to give it a miss, hopefully she's feeling better. James stayed home from school yesterday, I know that she is really ill if she asks to stay home because she loves school. She stayed with Mum but Mum was really ill and spent the day in bed too, she had a stomach gastro thing, I hope you are feeling better Mum if you are reading this.
Michael had his first classes of economics and chemistry this week which he enjoyed and is hoping to continue with next year, he is hoping to be a lawyer and keep his mum in the manner to which she'd like to become accustomed.
Take care,

Monday, September 3, 2007

Spring has sprung!

Seriously, how beautiful was the weather today, I love spring. Cait came out from class today in such a good mood, which is actually a bit unusual for her of late, I said "Cait, you're in such a good mood have you had a great day?" She said "no, I had a really bad day but I feel really good anyway!" She had had a fight with two friends which when you are 9 is absolutely devastating. But she's okay now, her and Dylan are playing 'Battlefield 1942.'
I had no classroom today because they needed it for an incursion so I was in the music room which has no desks or chairs so I decided to let the kids watch videos. I took in my lap top and got so much work done, I am thinking of doing it every Monday - I'll put the idea to the Principal tomorrow.
We had round one of the Inaugural Swan District Spelling Bee at the assembly this morning. I got three of our male teachers up to have a go, the kids loved it. I can't believe they could spell obsolescence, colloquial and entrepreneur.
Yesterday was a great day, Dave's mum and dad, Linda and Colin came up for the day with their great nieces Josie and Jade. Colin liked his present, a Tolkein book that was edited by his son, or something or other?? I was pleased he liked it because he's hard to buy presents for. David got fishes, socks, chocolates, a drink bottle and a cool ball thingy that changes colour. I bought him KFC for tea which made him really sick. I really missed my dad and thought of him a lot, I wished he could've met David, he would have really liked him.
The most exciting part of my day happened when I came home and checked my blog and two people had left comments, one my beautiful mum, and one a gorgeous guy (thanks Rod.)
Take care,

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Photos

Chris and Dave

An old photo of me with my spunky husband - it was all I could find.

A picture

Following my research into improving my blog I am trying out inserting pictures.
This is a green tree frog and I have four. (woohoo green font)
This picture is from the internet - I hope I am allowed to do that, now I am going to try to copy a photo from my computer into my blog - wish me luck.

Blog research

Thank you Rod for adding me to your 'favourite blogs' and for reading my blog because now I feel very honoured that I have two readers, I will have to start harder. When I went to Rod's blog, I found I was looking at it with the new eyes of a fellow blogger and noticed all the really cool colours and pictures and fonts and stuff. I decided to look around at some blogs and do some blog research. I really liked Jenny's blog, Rod, I wish I was funny like her, or good looking like you, or could write really long reviews like David. My problem is I'm a techno-imbicile and have no idea what I'm doing...David has given up trying to teach me computer stuff because I am a very bad student. There was going to be a comment here that has something to do with spanking but David has given his students the address for my blog so I won't go any further...just in case.
By the way, speaking of Book Week as we were, David did suggest I dress up in a Princess Leia slave girl outfit for dress up day on Friday, but I said no - I couldn't afford to pay the psychiatric bills for all the childrens.
My friends Rhonnda and Darianne came for tea last night, David was our house elf and fed us and supplied us with our alcohol, sometimes we let him speak to us but mostly he sat in the corner, quietly. Darianne is transferring to Kalgoorlie to be with her husband who is a principal there, which is very good for her but sad for us.
Take care,