Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm ba-a-a-ck!

For some reason I woke up this morning and thought - I'm gonna write on my blog. As you can see it's been about six months now since my last entry, I'm not really sure if it's going to be an ongoing thing...I don't want to commit myself and then disappoint the avid reader (Oh, okay who am I kidding!) But before I write anything else, and just to clear things up, that last entry was written by my darling husband, I have not been in psychiatric hospital for the past six months.
Too much has happened in the last six months to fit it all in, and while it has been a great six months for me if I tried to fit it all in here you'd be asleep before you got to the end and the people who read this are my family and friends anyway, and probably have a good idea what I've been up to.
One thing I will tell you about, it's the reason that I am up on Sunday morning while everyone is in bed, perhaps the reason I am writing here too, because I needed someone to talk to... Tomorrow morning I am doing a workshop for our staff at school, to do with a new arts project that we will be doing...I'm REALLY nervous and I don't know why. I have done this kind of thing a few times now and have been okay, I think I'm a bit worried about the reaction - sometimes new ideas don't go down too well? Anyway, I'll see what happens, I might let you know what happens.
I'm still trying to lose weight, Pete gave me a document that Uncle Steve had made to track my weight loss, today was my second weigh in and I am the same weight as I was last week, so a straight line to start off my weight loss graph.

1 comment:

Sneeky Pete2 said...

Good to see that you are back.
Good luck tomorrow. You,lll be able to do standing on your head.
Get that line moving down.I expect you to match me kilo for kilo
All the best
"Uncle" Pete