Monday, April 28, 2008

Back to School!!

First day back at school went well. Man, I'm tired now though.
We had no kids today, a professional development day at Guildford Landing, which was a nice place to be, with fabulous food. I tried to be good, but wasn't particularly successful, but then again I could have been a lot worse. The Rose and Crown pub is just across the road, we considered trying to sneak out in the lunch break for a drink but thought, knowing our luck, we would get caught - so we didn't.
I ran a workshop, with two mum's who are going to be 'artists in residence' in our school, to design the mosaic mural that we are going to create with the kids. It went really well, as did the rest of the day. I'm very tired now though - will have to get used to getting up at 6.30a.m. again! YUCK!
Right now am enjoying a lovely glass of wine while my fabulous husband cooks me tea - life is good!

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