Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday Night.

It's Saturday night, 6.43p.m. I'm ready for bed, a big night last night. Dave and I went to friends' house and drank 'til the early hours, then dropped friends home in Willeton and got home at some ridiculous hour, then a friend called at 8.45a.m. this morning to say "hi". Anyway, it was a great night, got to meet Christiaan's new girlfriend and had many bottles of wine and lots of laughs, and I was really pleased to hear from my friend this morning so it's all good.
Mothers' Day tomorrow, my mum bailed to go and see the V8 supercar racing so Dave's mum and dad are coming up and we'll have a quiet day with them and the kids, David is making soup, Yum!
Not much luck with the weight loss, lost 1kg. the first week, then put on 1.6kg in the second, it is my weigh in tomorrow but am expecting bad news after the wine and KFC I had last night.
Take care,

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